Our 2024 Elders

Neil Berke

Kent Cordes

Ron Crocker

Greg DeLaet

Jarod DeTurk

Eric Kitzelman

Joe Klute

James Lucas

Aaron Madsen

Kevin Madsen

Monty McCollough

Rick Meyer

Jori Pearson

Scott Theis
Purpose of Elders
The purpose of the Elders is to assist the Pastors in carrying out the pastoral ministry (i.e. discharging the pastoral functions, assisting with worship, dealing with matters of spiritual authority and discipline, and serving as a source of advice for the Pastors). The Elders shall be concerned with emotional and physical needs of the pastors and their families. In the event of a pastoral vacancy, Elders are responsible for organizing and overseeing a call committee.
The Elders shall be made up of no less than twelve (12) male members of the Congregation elected by the Voters’ Assembly. Elders shall annually elect their own chairman, vice-chairman and secretary. Elders will serve three year terms, with terms established on a staggered basis. The Elder team will nominate their own replacements when vacancies occur.
(Constitution of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Nov 22, 2020)
Elders shall meet the qualifications as set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Elders shall practice personal spiritual disciplines for the development of their own faith life, (e.g. personal Bible study, devotional/prayer life, Biblical stewardship and involvement in the ministries of the church) endeavor to lead exemplary spiritual lives, and attend worship regularly. They should possess the ability to relate to others with integrity, honesty and straightforwardness; the ability to speak the truth in love; be self-controlled and respectable. Elders should be communicant members of the congregation for two (2) years prior to their election. The Senior Pastor is an ex-officio member of the Elders.
(Bylaws of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Nov 22, 2020)