At Holy Cross, we believe Confirmation is a time to teach our middle school youth the Christian faith and help them to be prepared for the world around them as they grow as disciples of Christ for life in their heads, hearts, and habits.
Confirmation students will see their faith as their story attached to God’s grand story. They will see the Christian faith not motivated in fear and separation, but in love, forgiveness, and trust in God’s promises.
Confirmation students will practice and appreciate Christian habits as they worship, grow, and serve. They will see Christ’s gifts for them in worship. They will continue to grow in faith in Bible studies, Bible reading, and prayers. They will find ways to serve their community at Holy Cross and all around them.
Youth will see worship as the high point of the Christian faith where we receive God’s love through hearing His Word, receiving the Lord’s Supper, and praying to Him.
Being in a praying and encouraging community, youth will see their faith as the highest priority that is constantly desiring to know more about Christ.
Motivated by Christ’s forgiving love, youth will see how they can personally provide, support, and care for others.
All students will work through an 8 unit journal at their own pace with the encouragement and direction of their family. The journal uses the Small Catechism as a textbook. Once students have completed and turned in a unit of the journal, they are invited to a 1.5-hour weekend seminar taught by Pastor John and/or DCE Jaymes Hayes. Students are required to complete the six seminars in any order and then the final assessment to be considered for the next rite of confirmation.

With connection and community as important factors in a person’s faith life, students are encouraged to participate in the middle school youth group at Holy Cross. It is for all 6th-8th graders, Wednesday evenings from 6 PM to 7 PM at the Discipleship House.
Since worship is where we receive God’s gifts of life and salvation and learn of His grace and purpose for our lives, participation in worship is not just something desired of students after completing Confirmation. Students must fill out twelve sermon notes in the six months before the rite of confirmation.

Rather than participating in the rite of confirmation because of age or simply completing lessons, readiness will be assessed by the student, the family, and the church staff throughout the whole confirmation process. Looking at participation in worship, thorough completion of lessons, seminar assessments, parental input, and talks with the student will gage the readiness and maturity for confirmation.