Bethlehem, St. Louis
Our sister church in inner city St. Louis is impacting their community with the gospel as they strive to mold believers and further the Kingdom.
An LCMS partner, POBLO works to meet the physical, social, and spiritual needs of Muslims and other immigrants and refugees in the United States by sharing the love of Jesus in practical and culturally relevant ways. We support their ministry in Nebraska.

Orphan Grain Train
In loving response to Christ, this organization encourages and enables God’s people to share personal and material resources in bringing Christ’s name and character to people in need both far and near.
St. Louis Seminary Students
We have “adopted” two seminary students by financially and spiritually supporting them. Please keep Timothy Reicks and Peyton Holland in your prayers as they continue their theological training and formation for pastoral ministry.

Peyton Holland

Hello! My name is Peyton Holland and I am from small-town Oklahoma. I moved around quite a bit, as my dad was involved in oil and natural gas. We were not a Christian family, but I was exposed to various churches through the private schools I attended. During my time in college, which was at Oklahoma Wesleyan University, I found Lutheranism and quickly converted. Now, I am very grateful, by the grace of God, to be at Concordia Seminary.
Tim Reicks

I grew up on a small farm west of Pierce Nebraska. Attended a Lutheran grade school then a public high school. Originally went to college for electrical and then again for elctromechanical. Did service work and industrial maintenance for the last 20 years. Was an active member of a volunteer fire department and rescue squad for 11 years. Married to my wife Gina for 14 years and have two daughters Hannah (11) and Lydia (8). Operated a small side business supplying rock and boulders to landscapers for 14 years. Member of St. John’s Pierce for the last 14 years participating as Sunday schoolteacher, youth group leader and a trustee. Most recently volunteered with the Norfolk Rescue Mission doing jail ministry at the Madison County jail. Started my application to Concordia Seminary late 2020. Sold the equipment and inventory from our business then sold the house I lived in for the last 17 years and quit my job at the ethanol plant of 11 years. Moved to St. Louis in mid-June 2022 on a Friday and started Greek classes that next Monday.