Our Mission at Holy Cross:
Grow Gospel-Centered Disciples of Jesus Christ for Life.
GD4L stands for Growing Disciples for Life, the shorthand for the new mission statement of Holy Cross, Growing Gospel-Centered Disciples of Jesus Christ for Life, and the Bible study written by Pastor John called Growing Disciples for Life. Here we have provided resources to enhance your study sessions, whether those be individual, in a Bible class, or with a Life Group.
Use the booklet to supplement the sermons and podcasts. There are pages for notes, too! Do you want to share this study with someone else? We have you covered!
Missed a sermon or want to watch it again? Find all of our GD4L sermons here!
Our podcast, Every Moment His, has an episode for each of the GD4L study chapters in which Holy Cross staff discuss the content and questions.
Pastor’s Class
Missed your class, life group, or you’re doing the study at home? You can use these recordings to catch up or build on top of your at home study!
Bible Study Opportunities:
Wednesday Evenings 6pm | Overflow
Sunday Mornings 9:30am | Friendship Hall

Life Group Opportunities:
A Life Group is a small group of up to 12 people who meet for fellowship, Bible discussion, and prayer in an effort to grow closer to God and to one another. The link below has a list of all of our Life Groups. Interested in creating your own? Contact Jaymes Hayes below.