Podcast Recommendations

Need something to listen to while on the go or while you power clean on a Tuesday?
Here is a list of our favorite podcasts!

For Kids

Family Life Kids

A Christian radio drama for kids! They do a great job at bringing Bible stories to life through a radio interview format. Pair episodes with your bedtime devotions either in the car or during quiet time.

Tiny Theologians

An adventure podcast for kids. It’s fun, upbeat, and rich with biblical theology. Each week kids adventure through the attributes of God.

The Bible for Kids Podcast
This podcast seeks to provide a discovery platform for the best resources for teaching biblical values to kids!

The Biggest Story Podcast
Each Wednesday this podcast walks through a new Bible story that will help kids see the biggest story of redemption and Jesus’ love for us.

Slugs & Bugs

Not a podcast, but a great auditory resource for kids! Slugs & Bugs creates music and stories full of faith and silliness for the family.

For Parents

Pardon The Mess: Christian Parenting
Pardon the Mess offers real, raw, and honest conversations about parenting our kids with biblical truth in a fast-changing world. It offers encouragement, reminds you of what matters to the Lord, and makes you laugh thinking “ain’t that the truth.”

The Family Discipleship Podcast
Imperfect parents having conversations about the critically important and mostly ordinary work of leading at home.

Focus on Parenting
Practical and faith-based inspiration through all stages of parenting. You’ll hear parenting experts share Biblical truths, parenting techniques, and useful resources that will help you feel equipped as a mom or dad in today’s culture.

Every Moment His
We obviously have to have our in-house podcast! On this podcast, our very own Pastors John and Tim wrestle with the application of our weekly sermons in the trenches of everyday life.

Family Style Theology
Cindy Koch explores theological topics through family conversation with her children. This show explores essential questions in a way that is not only theologically satisfying but accessible to the whole family.